Friday, March 12, 2010

Random Friday Comment Time

Alas, we are at the end of another week. I have in my possession 4 freshly-rented flicks from Blockbuster, 1 of which is for The Project. You will have to wait on pins and needles for the next review to learn its mystery identity; my lips are sealed. The other 3 consist of: a family-friendly movie to watch with my son; an old movie that I'd never gotten around to renting before; and a new release that I didn't get to see in the theater. I swear, it was just here 2 or 3 weeks ago. Isn't it strange how fast movies go to DVD now? Speaking of which, Sherlock should be making an appearance in the near future.

It's been an emotionally draining week. Some days I just wanted to put my kids in the car and start driving, and not stop until I run out of money and/or gas. Given the fact that, as of today, gas is $3.17 a gallon and I get about 20 miles to the gallon, that really won't take long. But still, it's the thought.

There have been times this week when I thought that I didn't have a friend left in the world. There have been other times when one person reassured me that, yes, I do still have ONE.

There have been moments when I've seen the figurative "writing on the wall" for what my future holds, and it's not exactly something to look forward to. There have also been times when I realized that dreading the inevitable isn't going to keep it from happening; it's just going to zap whatever joy I may have between now and then.

I suppose if you are dying, being beaten by a drunk husband, or living in some other hell, you'd probably think I don't have much to complain about. You'd be right. But you know what? As I said to a wise man earlier this week - this is America, and if I want to say something or refuse to say something, I will. Go get your own blog and write about what an idiot I am.

Sometimes life just flat-out sucks. Sometimes we are in situations that we just can't do a jolly good damn thing about. Sometimes people aren't always what they seem, and sometimes you are just stuck with what you have. Sometimes somebody else gets to live your life, and you just get to watch.

On that cheery little note, I think I'll go make some popcorn and fire up the DVD player.


  1. Emotional pain is just as real and just as destructive as physical pain. Your "life just flat-out sucks" paragraph breaks my heart. I want to rescue you.

  2. Holy crap! $3.17 for gas! I was mad that ours is at $2.89.

  3. Steph - you crack me up. All that BS I just posted, and you hone in on the "gas price" part.

  4. Sometimes life just sucks. Get it out and then leave it there on the road. Better than letting it rot away inside you.

    You can always make choices to make your situation matter how small they seems, doing something is important.

    Hope you're having a better week.
