Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As Long As It Takes

Some days I feel like I can live this way for as long as it takes. Some days I feel like I will go criminally insane if I have to spend one more minute in my current situation. You know that old expression, "today is the first day of the rest of your life"? That's the most damn depressing thing I've ever heard.

But - today was one of those "as long as it takes" days.

I got an e-mail from an old, dear friend who basically told me that she would be on the next available plane to come to my assistance, should I need a shoulder to cry on. Now that, dear reader, is a friend. Just knowing that somebody is actually willing to sacrifice for me means a lot, when I've lived years with someone who's not willing to sacrifice squat for anyone - especially me.

I don't like to write, talk, discuss etc my feelings about anything, much less anything personal...it's just not who I am. I wasn't raised to express anything other than a willing spirit and a witty comment. So don't expect me to dive too deeply into this pool.

Just know that today was a good day. Tomorrow will hopefully be another. String enough of them together...well, we'll call that a "streak."

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