Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pet Peeve Thursday - Round 2

Fasten your seatbelts, dear reader - it's time for another installment of Pet Peeve Thursday!

1. The overuse of the word 'stress'- you can't be "stressed" 24/7, sorry
2. When packages are opened, part of the items removed, and the wrapper left on the remainder - i.e. toilet paper packs, reams of paper
3. People who think they are experts on any given topic because they watch the History Channel

Your turn!


  1. My Pet Peeves...

    1- The popular saying: "I know, right?"!

    2- When somebody says "Yeah, I've already thought of that"

    3- When somebody comes to my house and parks in such a manner that, even though there is GOBS of other places, I AM BLOCKED IN.


  2. 1. Using the non-word "irregardless."
    2. People who say it isn't a new decade until 2011.
    3. Going to DQ and not ordering ice cream. :)
