Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Night Confessions

Topic #1: I have a confession to make. I stacked my Netflix deck so that the next movie I receive is one that I really want to see. I need to cleanse my brain of The Pick-Up Artist. I should receive said movie tomorrow...but will keep you in suspense as to its title, dear reader.

Topic #2: What is going on in my life, you ask? I'll tell you. Without boring you with the details, and since I work in the insurance industry, trust me, it would be boring - we are undergoing a major change at work. I knew it would be rocky, bumpy, etc...but I was prepped. I found out today that it is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH rockier/bumpier than I had anticipated. Like bird shot vs. hollow points more rockier/bumpier.

I'm telling you this, just in case I fall of the radar screen, you will know to check for me at the local insane asylum. They know me there, and I have a comfortable room.

Topic #3: I went to Wal-Mart tonight; not because I wanted to, but because I needed hair color. Not that I NEED to color my hair, mind you. Ahem. Anyway, I picked up a few groceries, etc...and stood in line for 30 MINUTES. Why, pray tell, does one build a store with 20 cash registers, but only staff 4 of them at any given time? WHY?

Topic #4: Only 63 more days until Iron Man 2.

1 comment:

  1. You need to come visit. It will be a lot cheaper than any insane asylum.
