Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Queen Seemeth Peaked

I noticed something today. I don't look very good.

I'm not talking about girly-girl "oh, look at me, I'm so, like, FAT." Well, here's an example. I got up this morning, put on the full-face war paint (thought I looked a little pasty, but nothing out of the ordinary for me) and went on my merry way. Two hours later, my daughter looks intently at me and says, "Are you wearing any makeup???"

At this point, I should say that I never, under no uncertain terms, leave the house without FULL makeup on. Foundation-blush-powder-eyeshadow-eyeliner-mascara-lipliner-lipstick.

So when we got home, I actually LOOKED in the mirror. My skin is mostly a pasty, dull white color, with large spots of red blotch mixed in for variety. I have really dark circles under my eyes 24/7. No matter what time I go to bed, I always feel like I've been up all night, and it shows. My hair is too heavy, too dark, and just hanging off the side of my head.

Oh, and from the neck down - don't even get me started.

I don't look so good. I think the strain of living on the edge of sanity for the past 3 months is wearing on me in an obvious, physical way.

Whooda thunkit.

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