Friday, July 30, 2010

A Weekend Without Movies Is Like A Weekend Without Sunshine

I recently ordered a VHS of one of Our Hero's movies from Amazon. Cost me $4.85, and yes, that includes shipping. Where is it, you ask? Good question. I had truly hoped it would arrive today so that I could serve up a witty review upon a silver platter for you, my dearest reader. But alas - no movie. Maybe Monday. Keep the faith.

Oh, and I found a "missing" movie on Netflix, queued it up, and guess what - I have a "short wait" before it comes. When it rains, it pours, does it not?

So, it's Friday night and I have 2 "pending" movies for you, but nothing to offer up. Tav and I are sitting here watching "The Soloist" for about the 80th time. I'm guessing you don't want me to review it again.

I'm sorry to have let you all down.

Oh, and to top it all off - Tav and I are going with friends to the waterslides tomorrow. It should be around 100 outside, so yes, it will be a good day for it. Fun, you say? Well, let's factor in something you may not have considered...the bathing suit. I had to go to WalMart and buy a bathing suit, because you can't just run down to the store at the end of July and buy one. The wool coats are out now, for Pete's sake. Anyhow, it's obscenely large and, I'm sure, incredibly unflattering. Fun fun fun fun.

This, however, will be changing in the near future when I unveil the topic of my next blog. Ah, the's agonizing, isn't it!!!!

Humor me and tell me it's agonizing.