Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sit Down Before Reading

Earth-shattering announcement #1 - I've decided to grow my hair out a little. Not a lot, just a little. I like it short, and when I look in the mirror, I like the way it looks - but when I see photos of myself, I think, "wow, my hair is really short." So I'm thinking that means it's too short.

Earth-shattering announcement #2 - I really need to give up the latte's again. Those babies have a lot of calories. I look in the mirror, and I think I look okay - but when I see photos of myself, I think, "wow, I have 4 chins and my ass is the size of Michigan." So I'm thinking that means I need to cut back.

Earth-shattering announcement #3 - ONLY 3 MORE DAYS UNTIL IRON MAN 2!!!!! Seven p.m., Omak Theater, be there or be square, Trio of Movie Goodness in hand. I'm sure Tav and I will be there by 6. Can I get a woot woot?

Earth-shattering announcement #4 - I'm contemplating my 2011 blog project. I love the "do this is in a year" idea. Your input, dear reader, would be greatly appreciated; mostly because it makes me feel loved. I have a quasi-interesting idea rolling around in my little noggin. And yes, I'm well aware that 2010 is not even half over yet. Don't judge me.

Thus endeth the earth-shattering announcements. As you were.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!! "...the size of Michigan." You crack me up!

    I don't have any ideas for your next blog because I'm hoping you'll go with your quasi-interesting idea. It is awesome!
