Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nurse - Blog Post - STAT!

You know what amazes me about this whole blogging thing? The "stats" feature. Thanks to Mr. Google, I now can know the who, what, where and when of my readership at any given time. Not that I need to go buy a new computer with expanded memory to hold the vast amount of data I get, but I have had a fair number of hits, considering how few people are "following" me.

One thing that totally trips me out - I still get daily hits on a post I did back in July about leaving my church. That one post has had more than three times as many hits as the next most-read post, and still gets about 5 hits a day. Weird.

The real reason for this post is - I need your help, dearest reader. At the end of this project I will be giving out "awards" for the films I've viewed. I need some help coming up with award categories. Jump in, my little chickens, and give me some awe-inspiring ideas.


  1. Most likely to induce vomiting
    Most likely to induce fainting with sheer joy
    Best film for which to get a memory wipe
    Most stoned and/or drunken performance by RDJR
    Most sober performance by RDJR
    Best RDJR hairdo

    I'm sure I'll think of more and I'll talk to you tomorrow. :)

  2. It's odd what Google latches on to. Stats are an addition. They can be your best friend or worst enemy!

    As for awards...They need a RDJ centric flare. Not sure what that is, only that it is needed!

    Good luck!
