Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

One week later - no movie yet. Our blog is in limbo and at the mercy of the United States Postal Service, and all that this implies.

I am also on the countdown to the "move". I am moving out in 6 days. What have I been doing lately, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Pack pack pack pack pack sort pack sort sort toss toss sort pack pack pack load load load pack.

I find myself taking showers in the evening, as well as my usual morning time. Why? Because my muscles are sore, that's why, and I don't have a nice bathtub in which to soak. I'm definitely getting too old for this heavy lifting crap.

We do have a bright spot on the horizon. According to Maestro Netflix, DVD #1 for the final season of The Tudors is supposed to arrive in my post office box tomorrow. I've been waiting months for the next installment of decapitations, and am therefore quite excited.

A final note - my 11-year old just informed me that he has a major part of his Magellan report due on Tuesday; and, if he were not required to take a shower tonight, it would give him more time to work on it and meet the deadline. The implication here is, if he doesn't get it turned in on time, it's because I have burned valuable daylight and FORCED him to practice some form of hygiene. Just IMAGINE what he can get accomplished if he doesn't have to brush his teeth as well?

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