Sunday, October 10, 2010

A VHS Experience

Well, dear friends - I have exciting news.

The price on the one remaining released RDJR film that we need to review has PLUMMETED. Can I get a woot woot? So, speeding its way through the United States Postal System as we speak is one copy of "First Born". I'm so happy I didn't cave a day earlier and buy it. I have the willpower of a Vulcan, do I not.

Also - my "stats" inform me that last week, this blog had 14 hits in Malta. I'm huge in Malta. Welcome, my Maltese friend. Please introduce yourself so that I can say that I know somebody in Malta.

Contest time, dear readers - post the most interesting trivia or anecdote about Malta and you will win my VHS copy of "America". Serious as a heart attack, it is yours - and be forewarned, slap jack no take back. I will even autograph it for you.

The floor is now open.


  1. There once was a man from Malta

    That smiled as he removed my Halter

    I said no way

    he said ok

    That was my joke about Malta!

  2. Congrats on First Born. I hope it ends up being worth it!

    "Settled over 7,000 years ago, Malta has a long and complex history. It is perhaps best known as the home of the Knights Hospitaller after they were evicted from Rhodes by the Ottoman Empire."

    It's funny I have no idea who the Knights Hospitaller are. I thought it was best known for a movie were Malta supplied the main prop.

    Sometimes I like to go down to SF and eat at Johns Grill. Makes me feel like Sam Spade.

  3. I would like to supply my own bit of Malta trivia, which I read in a magazine today as I waited for my lunch:

    "The USA ranks #42 in life expectancy, behind Malta."

    I thought that was a strangely worded tidbit, didn't you?
