Monday, January 11, 2010

Review #5 - Eros (2004)

The good news - I had some success tonight with movie streaming and was able to watch this movie online from Netflix.

The bad news - I had some success tonight with movie streaming and was able to WATCH THIS MOVIE online from Netflix.

So, a synopsis - "Eros" consists of 3 short films - 1 by an Asian filmmaker, 1 American, and 1 Italian. RDJR and Alan Arkin star in the American short. I don't know, and don't care, who are featured in the other 2.

Dear reader, if you ever have moments when you question the supremacy of the American film industry, please watch this movie. The Asian and Italian films were so painfully, exquisitely bad that if you didn't know better, you would swear you were being punked. They are kinda like Airplane, only not actually funny and with more naked people, and I think the foreign filmmakers were actually being serious.

The jewel amongst the thorns was the American short, which was really, really funny. I was actually laughing out loud in my living room with my headphones on, which usually gets strange looks from kids and dogs.

I would love to know if RDJR or Alan Arkin actually viewed the finished film. If they did, I'd bet a dollar to your dime that they left the theater with bags over their heads.

Rating? Man. If I were rating the American short alone, I'd give it a 7.5. However, the bobble-headed troll dolls that it was sandwiched between drag it down to a 2.


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