Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Review #6 - Only You (1994)

All righty then.

Movie #6 is "Only You", featuring Marisa Tomei and RDJR. Tomei is a young woman who, as a child, receives word from two very reliable sources - a Ouija board and a carnival fortune teller - that her soul mate is a man named "Damon Bradley". She grows up, gets engaged to some dufus, and guess who calls her with his wedding RSVP? Damon Bradley. And we go from there.

The film is set in Italy. Let me say that my first screenplay will be filmed in Italy (Sheila will be the lead actress, of course) because I'm totally infatuated with the country.

How much did I enjoy this movie? Let me tell you. The film is 1 hour, 48 minutes. It took 3 hours to stream through my laptop. It's now an hour past my bedtime, in fact. But did I dump it? No, I did not. I watched the whole patootin' thing and buffered my brains out. Why?


I have a short list of movies that I've seen a zillion times - Pride and Prejudice. Notting Hill. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Fiddler on the Roof. Mona Lisa Smile.

If you re-check my short list in 12 months, I guarantee you that this one will be a new addition.

Don't rent it. Hit Wal-Mart and buy it. I'll bet it's even in the $5 bin, cuz it's so old.

luv it luv it luv it.

On that note, I give this one a 9.

I'm going to bed. Geez, what do you think I do, stay up all night and watch movies?


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